Home » Girlguiding Cardiff and East Glamorgan Attend Cardiff Pride
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Girlguiding Cardiff and East Glamorgan Attend Cardiff Pride

THIS WEEKEND, Girlguiding Cardiff and East Glamorgan proudly marched in the Cardiff Pride parade, embodying their commitment to diversity, inclusion, and support for the LGBTQ+ community. The event saw 30 Leaders and Rangers from the county taking part in the festivities, spreading joy and a message of acceptance.

The presence of Girlguiding at the Pride event underscores the organization’s dedication to inclusion and awareness. Tabatha, a leader from the 5th Barry Guides and 2nd Cadoxton Rangers, highlighted the significance of their involvement. Tabatha said:

“Having a Girlguiding presence within the LGBTQ+ rights movement is important for inclusion and awareness for both the public and our girls. It allows them to express themselves and feel secure in doing so.

“It invites them to be part of a bigger community, teaches them the importance of being valued and respected as an individual, as well as to support others too. It helps to make others aware that Girlguiding is inclusive, provides support, and is cognisant of challenges that people can still be confronted with today.”

Attending Pride events reinforces Girlguiding policy of being fair, open, and inclusive.

Sarah-Jane Burns, the Deputy Chief Commissioner for Girlguiding Cymru, joined the members in celebrating pride.

Sarah said: “It was fantastic to join the members to celebrate Pride in Cardiff. Attending Pride events reinforces our policy of being fair, open, and inclusive. It highlights that members and supporters are welcomed irrespective of their faith, race, culture, nationality, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Thanks to all the volunteers for making this happen.”

Cheryl Crisp, the County Commissioner for Girlguiding Cardiff and East Glamorgan, shared her pride in the participants and the event’s success.

Cherly said: “30 Leaders and Rangers from Cardiff & East Glamorgan county took part in the Cardiff Pride march today to promote diversity and inclusion in Girlguiding. It was massive fun; we sang and laughed all the way around and gave out over 1500 stickers!

“I cannot thank the members enough for their enthusiasm and commitment to Girlguiding and the way they represented our fabulous county.” 

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Girlguiding Cardiff and East Glamorgan are proud of their commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that all girls and volunteers feel supported and valued within their community. 

Girlguiding help all girls know they can do anything. Girlguiding Cymru is the leading charity for girls and young women in Wales, with nearly 11,000 young members. With over 1,100 groups meeting weekly powered by over 3,000 volunteers, we’re active in every part of Wales.

We show girls from 4 to 18 a world of possibilities big and small. One where every girl can laugh and learn and be herself. Girlguiding is what each girl wants it to be. It might be the thrill of doing something for the first time. Songs around a campfire. The buzz of getting a new badge. Coming home exhausted and full of stories. It’s a space where she can be herself, get creative, explore, and most of all have fun.

To learn more visit here.
