Home » Plans to convert office unit into children’s nursery near Meifod withdrawn
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Plans to convert office unit into children’s nursery near Meifod withdrawn

Matharafal Barns - plans to convert one of the office units into a nursery have been withdrawn (Pic: Google Streetview)

PLANS to change the use of an office unit so that it could become a children’s nursery/day care centre in the north of Powys have been pulled.

The application by Marc Jones for Unit B, Mathrafal Barns, Mathrafal near Meifod was supposed to be heard by councillors at a meeting of Powys County Council planning committee on Thursday, June 27.

The application included changing the use of part of a field to provide outdoor space for the nursery.

It is thought that the application would have seen Meifod based Tiny Tots registered childminders move there.

At the meeting Planning committee chairman, Cllr Gareth D Jones said: “The application is not before the committee this morning, that has been withdrawn.”

The council had received 31 letters in support of it but the report on the application advised councillors to reject the application.

Planning officer Natalie Hinds said in the report:  “Having considered the proposal against all relevant planning matters, it is determined that the proposed site for the development of the children’s nursery / day care centre is not appropriate.

“The application does not fundamentally comply with national and local planning policies in respect of the provision of community facilities, flood risk or highway requirements.

“The recommendation is one of refusal.”

The main reason for refusing the application would have been on flood risk.

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The report said: “The proposed development would introduce highly vulnerable development within the highest risk Flood Zone.”
