Home » Two Horse Race in Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe as Campaign Reaches Final Week
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Two Horse Race in Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe as Campaign Reaches Final Week

THE LIBERAL Democrats have said they expect the result in Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe to be an extremely close result between themselves and the Conservatives as the parties head into their final week of campaigning.

Liberal Democrat Candidate David Chadwick has stated that the seat is clearly a ‘two horse race’ between himself and the Conservative candidate citing polling from 7 different pollsters showing them either in poll position or closely trailing the Conservatives with all showing Labour trailing in third place.

The Liberal Democrats’ campaign to take the seat has also been boosted by the backing of all tactical voting sites citing David Chadwick as the best-placed candidate to defeat the Conservatives alongside the Independent.

The seat has consistently flipped between the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives over the last 40 years, with the Liberal Democrats coming second place in the last general election under both the new and old constituency boundaries.

Commenting, Liberal Democrat Candidate for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe David Chadwick said: “We are now entering the final week of campaigning.

“I have spoken to thousands of people who are desperate to remove this awful Conservative Government and to have a hard-working local MP to restore integrity and trust in our local politics, a lot of whom have already voted or pledged their support for me.

“This includes many Conservatives who no longer recognise the Party have already come across and are supporting my campaign.

“But I am making one last appeal to local people who would normally vote Labour or Plaid Cymru lend me your vote. With both parties so far behind in the polls, a vote for either party only risks letting the Conservatives back into power which I know supporters of both don’t want to see.

“I pledge to work non-stop to improve the lives of people across our constituency, to fight for our public services and for much needed investment. On July 4th we have the opportunity to enact change together.”
