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Merthyr Tydfil becomes first council in Wales to receive energy management recognition

Merthyr Tydfil Council

MERTHYR TYDFIL Council has become the first council in Wales to receive a recognition of its energy management.

The council was recently awarded the ISO50001 accreditation for its energy management and it is first local authority in Wales to achieve this recognition, and one of very few public bodies in the UK to do so.

The five sites included within the certification are the civic centre, unit five, unit 20, Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Centre and Cyfarthfa High School.

The council said that ISO 50001 provides a framework for organisations to deliver energy efficiency and carbon reductions by focussing on best practise in energy management.

It said that this standard plays a crucial role in helping organisations improve their energy performance and reduce carbon emissions by implementing effective energy management practices.

It added that by providing a systematic approach to energy management, ISO 50001 enables businesses to identify and prioritise energy-saving opportunities, ultimately leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.

The council said that the framework outlined in ISO 50001 “encourages a culture of continuous improvement, promoting the adoption of best practices in energy efficiency.

“Overall, this standard serves as a valuable tool for organisations looking to enhance their sustainability efforts and contribute to a greener future.”

To achieve certification, an organisation must demonstrate clear processes for successful energy management including an approved energy policy, robust data, achievable targets and defined action plans to deliver on aims.

Judith Jones, director of neighbourhood services said: “Congratulations to all those involved in securing this incredible certification for Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council. It’s wonderful to see the commitment to sustainable practices and the effort to reduce energy consumption.

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“This achievement not only showcases the council’s dedication to decarbonisation but also sets a great example for other organisations. Keep up the great work in making a positive impact on the community and the environment! Well done!”
