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Plans for housing development in Beddau withdrawn

Gelynog Court In Beddau (Pic: Google Maps)

PLANS for a housing development in Beddau have been withdrawn.

The application for land adjacent to Gelynog Court was for a proposed residential development of 12 houses including new access, parking, and new pavement along Penycoedcae Road but a planning officer told Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s planning committee on Thursday, June 20 that it had been withdrawn

The application site was for a piece of undeveloped and unallocated land located to the west of Penycoedcae Road, Beddau, and within an area designated as a special landscape area (SLA).

It was to be on the northern fringe of Beddau and adjacent to, but not within, the defined settlement boundary with two of the 12 houses proposed to be affordable housing.

The planning report said that the plans also highlighted associated amenity space, off-street parking provision, an attenuation pond, and other surface water drainage features.

A new access to the site was proposed to be created directly from Penycoedcae Road to the east with works to create visibility splays and an off and on-site footpath link to both the south and north enabling a connection with Gelynog Court.

One letter of objection was received from the public saying that the point of a settlement boundary is to contain development and protect the open countryside.

They said that the hedgerow running along the boundary will be removed to create a vision splay and provide a footpath which will destroy a wildlife corridor and that 12 houses would be too many for a busy narrow lane.

In recommending refusal officers said in their planning report: “The application property is located outside of the settlement boundary where applications for residential development in unsustainable locations are not supported by national and local planning policy unless in exceptional circumstances.

“In addition the application has not been able to evidence either control of the land necessary to deliver safe access to and from the site or the proposed highway improvements or that either could be physically accommodated on site.

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“Consequently the development would not be able to demonstrate that a safe access could be provided to the highway network and would therefore be reliant on the private motor car, increasing potential hazards to the detriment of safety of all highway users and free flow of traffic.

“Furthermore the application has not satisfactorily shown that it would be able to provide appropriate ecological mitigation and enhancement in order to meet the requirement for a net biodiversity benefit.”
